Monday 17 May 2010

Robin Hood - Prince of accents

wow. Just wow. saw this on Friday night with Tickle and Jimbo. all in all some of the worst accents committed to film....ever. Apparently Crowe had some olde english language expert come in and teach him how to speak like a 12th century nottinghamish person.....although I doubt any of them spoke with an accent that sounded like an irish person doing an impression of an australian.....but hey what the fuck do I know?

anyways it was okay. like Gladiator but with bows and tree's.....and dead french people.

them little rascals with the mad face masks were a bit menkal though. glowing eyes and shit. then tey were "goodies" when the frogs came.

That french bird who was John's wife had maybe the worstest french accent ever.

The scene at the end with the french invasion looked like saving private ryan....even down to the french assualt ships and the arrows streaking though the water.

how cool are english long bowmen? two fingered salute indeed.

at the end Tickle turned to me and said "fuck off french cunts".....kind of summed it all up i thought.

Me and Tickle then discussed the fact that Richard the Lionheart was more french than english and like most of the royal court would have been speaking in french.

All in all better than prince of thieves, not as funny as men in tights and not as many Rhino's as Disneys Robin Hood.

Friday 14 May 2010

NYHC 7"s - bad boys in small format

had a conversation this morning with Mr Daniel Sant (over my dead body and Northern towns) with regards to our favourite NYHC 7"s.

This is just my opinion on what I listen to the most and nothing to do with the most important or anything.

this is my NY 7" top 5 (i am not including the end the warzone or together comps)

1) Side By Side "only young once"

2) Antidote "thou shalt not kill"

3) Warzone "LESC"


5) Lifesblood "Defiance"

6) Judge "New York Crew"

7) Outburst "Miles to go"

8) Alone in the Crowd S/T

I am not including pay to cum or breakdown the walls as they were not NYHC bands at the time.

Dan Sant's top 5 NYHC

1 aitc
2 side by side
3 judge
4 soia
5 yot disengage

Squat Jog

Welcome brother's. one and all.

you seen 4 lions yet?
you should. it's well good.

had me laughing so much I nearly shat and had me almost crying it was so touching in places.

I know it ain't in 3d and it doesn't have any stars or fit birds in it but still......fuck it just go and see it.